MATS 2021 Programme
We are pleased to share with you the exciting programme for MATS 2021

To view this year's themes:
During MATS 2021, our aim is to explore the information needs of users of Marine Autonomous Systems (MAS), review the current technologies available to enable the data gathering for MAS users and explore the methods of taking that data and making it exploitable information for the users needs. Presentations may focus on work undertaken or planned to be undertaken in the 12 months since MATS 2020, be a forward look along your organisation's technology roadmap or include information on novel ways of maintaining operations throughout the global challenges of Covid in 2020 /2021.
Through this theme we are seeking presentations from Scientific, Industry, Government and Defence end-users of marine technologies. Presentations should focus on current and aspirational application of MAS, highlighting what the user requirement is. Presentations that set stretching challenges, outlining those challenges for aspirational applications will be scored highly. We will seek to take a balanced approach between current and aspirational activities to ensure MATS includes forward looking ideas as well as ground-breaking examples of actual activity.
Generating information that meets end-user needs from the data collected by MAS is the ultimate goal of deploying the system. This theme will explore novel methods of generating information products from MAS gathered data. Presentations should explore (but not be limited to) the utility of Machine Learning & AI, Data Processing, GUIs and augmented realities. Examples of real world information use should be explored
Operation of MAS in the environment is just part of the mission and the work to enable it happens outside of the operational element. This theme is seeking presentations that support the planning and control of MAS. Presentations can include (but not be limited to) experiences and lessons learned from field trials, the use of Synthetic Environments, Mathematical Modelling, Simulation, Assurance, Safety, Risk and Reliability Management, Command and Control, Remote Operations/Remote Operation Centres, Fleet Management & Maintenance, Collaborative behaviour, Monitoring, Regulation and Legal. Through this theme we’re also encouraging presentations around testing and evaluation centres, sites and infrastructure, that provide the proving grounds for technologies.
Sensing technologies are the eyes, ears, nose and touch of the Marine Autonomous System. This theme will focus on those novel, innovative and emerging technologies that enable MAS to collect data for the end-user, through imagery, physical sampling or chemical and biological detection. Presentations should provide real examples of field collected data as well as look to the future of data collection. We are also seeking presentations that cover interaction with the environment and infrastructure.
Through this theme, we are seeking presentations that focus on the systems. Through increased intelligence, operations have evolved from single platform to more of a system approach. Operations are no longer limited to one or two vehicles deployed from a ship, but can be run in autonomous fleets and utilising technologies such as digital twins. Presentations are sought that include, but are not limited to, end to end systems, navigation, networking, collaboration and cooperation, residency, launch and recovery and novel vehicles including a forward look to future vehicle technologies. We’re also encouraging presentations that look at the roles of cyber technologies and digital twins in operations. Presentations should demonstrate how step changes in MAS technology deliver improved performance through real examples of in field operation, be that with a single platform or a fleet of platforms working to achieve the users goals.
Looking to the Future - Hydrographic Society Southern Branch
Come and join us at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton for our first face to face meeting since February 2020! for further details and how to register please click the THS logo below
2021 Media Partners
News Items and Press Releases
Press release / News Item 18 February 2021 please click here
Supported by
We thank the members of the 2021 Delivery Committee for their support To view the details of the commitee
Huw Gullick - Chair of Committee - NOC
Ian Folger - Deputy Chair of Committee - NOC
Charmaine Richardson - Secretariat - NOC
Jessica Denham - Communications Lead - NOC
Peter Ryde - Marketing Lead - NOC
Matthew Kingsland - NOC
Euan Wilson - NOC
Sarah Dyer - Ocean Infinity
Ben Goymer - Chelsea Technologies
Steven Rice - University of Plymouth
Jon Downes - University of Southampton
Stewart Radcliffe - Thales
Maria Amoroso - Abyssal
Graham Lester - Wight Ocean

National Oceanography Centre
European Way, Southampton
Hampshire, SO14 3ZH